This blog site is in effort to inform of an intention to formulate a political/social progressive network that addresses the will of the people to achieve in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and to form a more perfect societal union. This blog presents the argument for pursuing life against and beyond the expectations in accordance with the country's Gross Domestic Product.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Upcoming album leak [Raw Recording]
Watch "MussuB.L.A.C.K. (B.O.A. album leak promo) [raw]" on YouTube
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Where Societal Progression Begins-
Monday, December 19, 2011
It attempts to figure itself out.
It's amazing that God would create a mind that is so coscieous, so aware, so alive and so articulate, that it climbs upon itself to peak in and understand itself........ And, you think it makes sense were only living at a margin of 100 years. Something is not adding up.
The efforts of B.F.S.P. is just one of many.
Most of the world has been decieved; is being decieved; and will be decieved. But, my friends, deception is not progression; it is the theft of your life. God has personally breathed His Own immortal Divine Breath into your body. Why wouldn't you cooperate with Him to keep it there? And, the key to doing that is to accept His greatest, and most powerful provision, His Son. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that 'proceedeth' out of the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4) KJV
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Selected from the internet: YOUR REGULAR JOE SPEAKS about belief.
Living past 200 isn't so far fetched. How about living close to 1000. Why do so many people believe in the mythe of death coming near the 100 year mark of existence. Living past 100 begins with thinking past 100.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Yehusha, will ascend us.
God abides in His temples; shedding grace and light on all those that bear witness. He will glorify Himself in our glorified bodies. We shall emit as the stars of heaven, and rise as the heavenly hosts. We shall cast down our crowns at the feet of The I Am, symbolizing the submission of our intellect, and His worthiness as King of All.
---Michraél E.James---
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Reverse Engineering Anxiety/Stress (paraphrased extrapolation)
Reverse Engineering Anxiety/Stress
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Comedy Spotlight - Military Weapons in Gangsters' Hands
Check this link for the story---> Military Weapons in Gangsters' Hands
Friday, December 9, 2011
Founder's Note: B.R.I.M. is now B.F.S.P.
Michraél E. James
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Cognition 2. The U.S. spy drone was first taken over electronically. It is 2011; intelligence is in everyone, and technology is everywhere. The time of the paranoia propaganda era is over. Why continue to sell it? Nuclear science is old technology; older than even the "Cold War". What's really inciting the U.S. Government?
Example of "Title Stigmatization" (video)
After taking another look at this video, I discovered another disturbing fact about the statements made; the implication that so-called "low-income" voters are not intelligent enough to use more sophisticated equipment (sort of bicameral man v/s enlightened thinker), that socio-economic standing somehow denotes intelligence, and that sovereign individuals are being classified and stigmatized according to zip code. Note: In New York, as is probably anywhere in America, goods and services are made accessible according to zip code. Oh, what tangled web of prejudice our country has woven! This is why I have designed to put an end to class, and I will succeed.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Example of "Title Stigmatization"
The statement is just one of many examples of "Title Stigmatization" through all forms of media and language from ads and speeches, to curriculum and policy hearings. The statement could be concurred to mean "black" voters, but it is actually a much broader socio-political stigmatization, since it could be interpreted as an inference directed at anyone not currently members of the two upper tax brackets.
Currently the term "low-income" can literally be implied as the "99%", as touted by OWS activists. The news story validates this by making a supposition in projecting that there will be a higher turnout of the national majority, which is the 99% of those not classified as wealthy or rich, to vote in 2012, in efforts to re-elect President Obama.
by: Michraél James/Founder-B.F.S.P.
xx (video to follow later today)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Be Unstoppable
---Michrael E. James---
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
3 Responses
Contrary to physiological studies, there are not two, but three nueral responses as a result of elevated adrenaline levels, when a person is subjected in fear or anxiety; fight, flight, or COGNITION. Evolution is an idea that we must look past, because it reasons us to nothing.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
My Activist Organization Carries Strong Validity
Raise your intellectual aptitude, and read this. I have the facts to backup what I say. Biobehavioral Factors in Health and Disease - Health and Behavior - NCBI Bookshelf
No Coincidence.
I did a google search for "Link between bio-engineered diseases and stress as a trigger in the body", and this popped up. This is no coincidence. Life extension - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friday, November 18, 2011
Live As Long As You Might Never Imagine.
The key to exceptional longevity is found in numerous clues written into 2000 plus year old scripture. I was blown away by the accuracy of biblical Scripture, when compared to today's scientific findings. The Scripture, Psalm 34:12-14 reads, "What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." (KJV) Stress-Induced Infectious Diseases - How Stress Increases Risk for Infections
The Stress Trigger
This is a structural diagramatic view of the signal, response and trigger of the stress presence in the body. Diseases Caused By Stress
Thursday, November 17, 2011
My Concerns About The Hep C Virus
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Champion Dallas Mavericks - A "Team" Differed!
The only player set to receive a ring of any kind after the NBA lockout is concluded, is Derek Fisher; the player who earned his latest ring around this time last year, including MVP. I guess Kobe was right when he told LeBron, "I'll see you in the playoffs". Maybe he and LeBron knew something Dirk Norwitzki didn't; That there would be no ring ceremony, and, that no one will be focusing on the incoming champions' season, or their journey to any repeat trip the playoffs. In fact, most regard their championship as the biggest cheapest "gimmie" in NBA history. Most see the Mavs as a group of old washed up aging players, who got their wish at a last gasp for greatness.............. but, a greatness that will not be remembered. With the exception of Norwitzki's last second driving lay up, in Game 2 at Miami against Chris Bosh.
If only for that, the masses would remember, but that was not the game that got the Mavs the championship. On the contrary, it was the game in which Jason Terry was a menace, and everyone from courtside announcer to the skybox viewers were wishing one of the "Big Three" from Miami would swat down the miniature plane. Besides, no one likes a self-proclaimed prophet who wears a tattoo of the NBA Championship trophy on his arm. Purely presumptuous, Mr. Terry!
Increasingly, a feeling of satisfaction has settled in across the nation, that at least when Miami does get the championship, they will be remembered for seasons to come. The NBA lockout has most assuredly guaranteed the Mavericks' championship season will be forgotten, because everyone wants to get past the lockout, and not look back to the time period in which it ensued. There is no monetary compensation that can suffice for the damages incurred on the Dallas Mavericks' championship legacy.
Written By: Michraél E. James
Friday, November 4, 2011
No such thing as, "Whatever Happens Happens".