Friday, May 3, 2013

Associate of B.F.S.P. graduates from Alabama A&M University

Watch George Taylor VIII graduate with his Masters in Mechanical Engineering Propulsion Systems from the School of Engineering Technology Mathematics and Sciences, LIVE STREAMING   at 6:00 pm central time, May 03, 2013.


  1. Hey Michrael, I just answered a comment of yours and you gave me this site. Good to see your nice face. My name is Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury-Taylor. I now live in NC, but lived in NY a long time. I am an ordained United Methodist Pastor in Winston Salem, work with all sorts of people. I am also a counselor. I have also had several albums released under Susan Pillsbury and continue writing and recording music. For a long time I taught English, creative writing in High School and College, both in NY and in Florida. I notice that you come from Brooklyn. I got my BA and MFA from Brooklyn College. It's that amazing? And my father was the pastor of Kings Highway UMC on the corner of Flatbush and Kings Highway.
    Tell me a bit of what you are doing here.
    Life is very surprising.

  2. God has given me a burning desire to share what he is revealing to me about longevity, and that it is not His plan for anyone to die. I seek to unmask the deception of aging and life-expectancy. I seek to help others formulate alternative courses toward their objectives, outside the parameters society constructs for them, and to aid in helping them reverse-engineer and dispel unfounded anxieties. I aim to spark a productive and proactive social awareness, and to design, engineer, and produce goods and services that can be used as means to fund and resource international enterprise, as a means of improving socio-economic conditions for all people regardless of instituted class systems.
